Sunday 5 July 2015

Apex 5.0 - Getting Down With Dialogs (Part 1)

A part of any modern day web application is the use of dialogs. With the release of Apex 5.0, the development team has obviously put a great deal of work into this functionality and made it an integral part of Apex. Through the use of JQuery UI, the team has given us some feature-rich components and processes to use to support our need for dialogs.

In their simplest terms, dialogs are interactive modal  popups that can be used to give additional information to the user, assist them in processing selected steps, or guide them through a wizard of nested steps. They offer the user the sense of "staying" where they are and not having to navigate around to accomplish a task. Dialogs are immediate, dramatic and captivating.

In previous versions of Apex, we had to use plug-ins or write considerable javascript to build these kind of dialogs into our applications. Now, with Apex 5.0, the full power of dialogs is rigt at our fingertips.

There are several types of dialogs available in Apex 5.0. In this first post in the series, I will discuss only one of them - the inline dialog.

Inline dialogs are really just regions on a page that function like a modal "popup" dialog. They are distinct from their more powerful cousin, the modal dialog page, in that they are simply a region and not a page. This, while it may seem obvious, is a key point. As a region on an existing page, the inline dialog does not need all of overhead involved in page rendering and processing. The region is in fact rendered as part of its containing page and therefore can be displayed very quickly. This lightweight "here I am" power of the inline dislog is also a bit of a weakness. As a region on a larger page, it lacks the validation and processing power of a separate page and is therefore not really suited to complex operations.

Before we go into the details of how to create an inline dislog, we ought to understand what in fact it will do.

 As you can see from the above image, an inline dialog looks and feels much like a modal page. When the dialog is opened, the launching page is dimmed to highlight the modal region. The dialog awaits the users interaction before continuing and the underlying parent page is "frozen". Much like a modal page, it can have buttons to invoke actions, but it is important to understand that the whole page, not just the modal region, will be submitted when the button is clicked. More about that later.

It may help if I take a moment to explain my specific use of the inline dialog here. My application tends to be very dynamic. I am always adding new functionality and need a way of highlighting the new features to users. So, what I have developed is a page messaging franework. I have a database table where I store the messages that I want to display referenced by page number. When a user launches a page in the application, a process checks to see if there is a message to be displayed to the user for that page. If the user has not viewed the message before, the inline dialog is displayed with the message and title from the database table. Once the user clicks the "Got It" button, I record that the user has viewed this message and it will not be displayed for the user again. The framework allows me to set messages for any page in my application in order to help users find and use new features.

So, how do we create the inline dialog? It is really pretty simple. Create a new region on the page and set the region template to "inline dialog."

In my case, because I need the title and content to by dynamic, I have two hidden page items that I reference for both the region title and the content.

Once you have selected the region template of "inline dialog, you can open the Template Options where there are a number of settings to further control and appearance of the region.

Once you have the region the way you want it, it is time to trigger the display of the modal region. You need to determine under what circumstances the region will be displayed. Here, I want the region to be displayed on the loading of the page if there is a message to be displayed and the user has not viewed the message before. As I mentioned earlier, I have hidden page items for the title and content of the inline dialog message. These page items only get values assigned to them if there is a message to display for that specific page and if the user has not yet viewed the message. This then gives a mechanism for displaying the dialog. If the hidden items are not null, then I want to display the dialog. So, I have an "on change" dynamic action that references the hidden page item and fires if the item is not null:

Then, as part of my dynamic action, I use a true action of "Execute Javascript Code" to open the dialog:

Notice that I pass the static id for the region to the openModal function. And that's it! The inline dialog will be displayed. Of course, your triggering action may be quite different, but you get the idea.

Let's return to my earlier point about the entire page being submitted. An inline dialog region is different from a "modal page" in that it is simply a component of the parent page. Consider my "Got It" button that is part of my dialog region. The button has the behaviour of "Submit Page." When it is clicked, because the inline dialog is part of the parent page, the entire page will be submitted with all of its items etc. Therefore, it is important that you control the processing and branching based only on the single button being clicked. There are several ways to do this, but the most common would be to use the "When button pressed" condition processes and branches.

There are some other important issues associated with the fact that the inline dialog is simply a region of the parent page:

1.  It will display very quickly as it is rendered with the parent page.
2.  Unlike a modal page, it shares its processing with the parent page.
3.  It is best suited for static content and limited user interaction.

There are lots of ways you can effectively use inline dialogs. You can use them for messages (as I hve), for alerts, confirmations or for quick popups that display additional information when the user opts to view it. They are very slick and can really contribute to a positive user experience.

Modal regions have been a part of Apex for quite a while. But now, with Apex 5 and the built-in use of JQuery UI, they are easier than ever and offer the developer a great deal of options of customization and control.

Add a comment to this blog and let me know how you are making use of inline dialogs. And watch for Part 2 in this series where I will discuss the more powerful and feature-rich modal dialog page.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Apex 5.0 after two months

I have been using Apex 5.0 for two months now and figured it was high time I start blogging about it. So, here are some thoughts after eight weeks of exploration.

At first I found the new builder features a little difficult. There had been so much hype about the new Page Designer. I guess I was just so comfortable with the old component layout that it would have been so easy to stay with what I know. But, yes, I stuck with Pagc Designer and now can't imagine a world without it. I love that you can change component attributes in bulk and that you only have to click save once for the entire page. It is so easy to drag regions and items where you want them. So, while Page Designer might intimidate you at first - stick with it. Your productivity will soar.

I am thrilled with the new code editor. You can write code exactly as you would in any tool such as SQL Developer with all the feateres you need and can validate the code without leaving the editor. This is another huge productivity gain.

Modal regions and modal pages are very powerful and easy to implement. I must say that I am using them more than I ever had in my applications and they contribute to a great user experience. I will try and post a blog just about modal dialogs soon.

The Universal Theme and Themeroller are really inspiring and have a lot to offer. The user response has been good though many have suggested that the apps have adopted a "Microsoft" look - oh no!

There are some things that took me a while to come right with and I will blog about those in the hope of saving others time and frustration.

Most important of all, my apps in Apex 5.0 are running about 20% faster. Page and report refreshes are faster. Chart rendering Is faster and even database processing seems faster.

Now for a few complaints. There have been long-standing issues with Tabular Forms and no work has been done in this area. Some of the IR customization capability seems to have been removed. Report layouts seem somewhat less flexible but I an still exploring here.

So after all is said and done I love Apex 5 and feel renewed and excited as an Apex developer.